Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7

As you can see from the photo below, we had our senior activity in Norfolk, VA yesterday. The Nauticus is a naval museum that we walked through then went onboard the battleship Wisconsin and walked from one end of the deck to the other. I think E. Steffler was more interested in this type of activity than I was. "Wow! Look at the size of that cleat. Nate would love to have one of those." Something to do with a thingy that holds a huge chain onto another thingy. I'm sounding like my sister now! But the guns were pretty impressive. We watched some film showing the Wisconsin in battle during WWII in the Pacific. It took a direct hit on the deck and other crewmen didn't even know it had been hit. 16 layers of steel protected it. Anyway, pretty impressive stuff. The museum had all things naval in it from live critters to a giant shark tooth – megaladon or something like that, about the size of a softball (the tooth). E. Steffler sat at the controls of a simulator like an underwater thingy with claws to pick up articles. He managed to pick up some chain. We didn't stay too long because we had a long ride home (3 1/2 hours).
But we got to have lunch with seven other couples from the mission. There is such a need for senior couples. The mission is expecting 31 new missionaries in August, the largest incoming group ever. It will be quite a challenge to get them all arranged. There are several apartments empty now that will be put to use then.
Something that took up the first part of our week was the death of one of our member's father. The member is the only LDS in his family; his dad was part of a Harley Davidson biker group and there were about 30 bikers in the funeral procession, along with all the paraphernalia that goes along with bikers – leathers, long hair, cigarettes, all free spirits. The widow even wore her leathers to the funeral and rode her bike in the procession. Our member said a few closing remarks at the funeral and said the closing prayer, so we did get a little of the church into it. His dad was only 52 and he took it really hard.
We will follow up with him this week to make sure he knows he is loved. We have a few other appointments outlined – one is even a dinner invitation! Don't get those too often. It is in LaGrange, about an hour's ride away. I'm anxiously waiting for my sister to call to say when she is coming to visit. It is going to be really hot if she waits too much longer. This week is suppose to get to the 90s. Not looking forward to that!
Hope this finds all y'all happy and healthy and enjoying life. We are! God bless y'all. Love, Elder & Sister Steffler

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