Sunday, September 27, 2015
Sept. 26
What a week! We made it to Idaho – yea!!
Spent last Sunday in Nauvoo and went to the temple for a session on Monday. Thought that was pretty peculiar, but the temple is open Monday mornings and closes for the afternoon. The inside has replicated as close as possible the original temple; it is beautiful. The artwork from murals to moldings to paintings, all are beautiful. Lots of stairs to climb. One flight up to the dressing rooms then up another flight to the endowment rooms. The wagon ride and carriage ride in the afternoon were both very informative. The wagon ride takes you through historic Nauvoo and shows homes and buildings, mostly reconstructed. The carriage ride goes more into the surrounding countryside and the narrator tells different stories of some of the early Saints. Some I had heard; but mostly all new to me. The horses are draft horses that the church buys from the Amish who raise and train them. There are 10 teams so they trade around so they are not working every day. After the rides we visited the Browning home and gunsmith shop then the land and records building. Got a cd of Daniel Allen Jr. and where he had property; also Cyrus Sanford. Had a quick tour of the wheelwright and blacksmith shop because it was about closing time. Met for a short time with Marissa Lewis who is an intern at Restoration Nauvoo. She has grown up into a lovely woman with confidence since her mission to the Philippines.
Left Keokuk, Iowa, Tuesday, where we had our hotel and took the route of the pioneers. Montrose is nearby, but on the opposite side of the river from Nauvoo. A man came to talk to us riding in a golf cart. We were reading the information signs and he congratulated us for that because a lot of people just come and take a photo and leave. He was from Missouri and said he knew some pretty nice Mormons (he sounded almost surprised to say that!). Stopped at Corydon at the Prairie Museum; lots of early life displays, even one of the Mormons traveling across Iowa in the mud. Pulled off Hwy 30 at Mt. Pisgah and took a dirt road to the display. Did I mention that we did not travel a dirt or gravel road all the time we were in NC? Beautiful country; the first pioneers stopped to plant wheat and fell trees to build cabins and fences for those following. Course there was also a cemetery nearby for those who did not finish the trail. Ran into some severe rainstorms before finally stopping at Council Bluffs for the night. Nine hours of travel was enough!
Had to swim for a while Wed. morning before heading out on the trail again. Visited the Winter Quarters temple and visitors center. Watched a film and a sister missionary gave us the full meal deal looking at the displays. Schools had been closed due to a severe weather warning and possible flash flooding. We just had rain off and on. Stopped at most of the historical markers along the way, then got on I-80 where it parallels Hwy 30. Made it to North Platte, Neb. Started reading Joseph Smith's Kirtland, mostly quotes from journals of the day; very interesting. Bought it at the Community of Christ bookstore in Kirtland.
Had a fitness center complete with most of the machines that I knew, so we had a good workout. Didn't get on the road until 10:40 because of breakfast and doing laundry. Took Hwy 30 again north and then west. Stopped at Ash Hollow and Cathedral and Jailhouse rock. The trail mostly follows the N. Platte river. Landscape is mostly desolate desert with bursts of rock here and there. Stopped at Chimney Rock and took a picture with the Beware of Rattlesnakes in area sign. Not much in visitor center. Stopped at Ft. Laramie and saw some of the ruins and barracks. In the visitors center there was a hide teepee and a full dress chieftan headgear with eagle feathers. Also had a small scale replicate of what the fort may have looked like back in the day. The Mormon Trail and Oregon Trail run together here for about 100 miles before separating again. It was a hot day and we were out of water and I decided I wanted to watch the women's conference with Eliza and girls, so we headed south on I-25 to Cheyenne and stayed the night in Laramie. Interstate roads are 80 mph, so we made good time.
In the pool at 6 and on the road by 7:45 Thursday morning. Took Hwy 30 to Kemmer and to Montpelier. I started driving 10 miles before the Idaho border (first time I have driven on the trip). Stopped and took a selfie at the Welcome to Idaho sign. It just seemed so good to be in Idaho again. Even the drive across Wyoming with its wide-open vistas was wonderful. Had not seen so much sky since we had left for NC 18 months ago. My sis is in Colorado Springs with grandkids, so we stayed at the tribal reservation motel, thinking it would be cheaper. Nope; got that wrong. It is a 5 star motel, so I guess you pay for what you get. It took quite awhile before they would consider letting us stay without a reservation. They had a big shindig going on in the event center, some famous comedian. We just wanted to eat and sleep. We have yet to turn on a tv or the radio, except to change the time on our car clock (the radio has to be on). We are having a rough time getting our bodies onto MDT!
Saturday we visited with E. Steffler's uncle, aunt and cousin in Moreland, then on to Shelley to see our daughter and her family. Eliza and Lydia were working so the little kids entertained us as best they could: computer games and dvd games. We are really out of touch! Lydia went to Rexburg to get Kimball so she could see us and go to the women's conference with us. We got a motel room then had supper with Eliza and family. Then the six girls went to the conference. It was wonderful, of course. So glad we could all be there together. Lydia had to take Kimball back to Rexburg and Eliza dropped me off at the motel room. E. Steffler had gone there after all the women left.
Today church is at 1 p.m. so I am getting all my blog and emails taken care of in the morning. Hope all y'all have a blessed Sabbath. We love y'all and look forward to seeing the rest of the family in the next few days. Our mission report is Oct. 11 at 11 a.m. at the Ruth Building. All are welcome to come and partake of the spirit that will be there.
Love, Elder and Sister Steffler (for a few more days!)
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Sept 20, 2015
Sorry about not writing last week; laptop was already packed up. We tried to pack everything we could on Saturday so we would not have to work on the Sabbath, thus keeping it holy. Had a lot of folks to say good-bye to – missionaries, branch members, etc. Course we had to speak, along with the high councilman, so our talks were only 10-12 min. Almost seemed like youth speakers! Had a get-together before the world wide devotional at Pres. Lewis' house with goodies and people signing a photo of the group and writing in my study journal. It was a sad-emotional-happy day; felt lots of love. We had already said good-bye to the missionaries. Sisters Oleson and Anderson had to make us a death cake and we shared it after district meeting, plus took some photos.
Monday morning the YSA elders came to help us load everything in the car. It is solidly packed! We had to be in Chesapeake at the mission home by 5 and got there about 4:15, plenty of time. Had a lovely chatty meeting with the APs who asked us questions and we all had to give our thoughts. There were 5 other missionaries going home with us, so a small, informal setting. It was very spiritual; Pres. Baker was giving final interviews and Sis. Baker was preparing dinner. Lovely dinner then a testimonial by all the missionaries. It is amazing how much growth you can see in these missionaries who have served so valiantly. Elder Steffler and I are in awe at the work these servants of the Lord perform.
The next morning we waited for the Bakers to return from the airport so E. Steffler could get a blessing from Pres. Baker. Then off to Williamsburg where E. Steffler just had to buy a wide-brimmed period hat.
Wednesday we made it to Gettysburg and inside the visitors center there is a film about the battle and a cyclorama – a painting that goes all the way around a circular room; huge and very interesting. Took a 30 min. tour of the museum and on our way again. Took Hwy 30; very windy and narrow. Very glad to make it to the interstate. Thursday we made it to Kirtland in time for a tour through the temple and a tour through historic Kirtland; another very interesting time. Walked the steep steps to the top of the temple where the prophet had his office and teaching rooms.
Friday was rain and thunderstorms most of the day. In addition to road construction! Seems like every road had to have some kind of construction. But we made it to Nauvoo on Saturday. Drove to the temple and looked around and took a few pictures. Found some missionaries who told us where and when to go to church. So today we went to church, had a picnic and then drove to Carthage for a film and tour. The bullet hole in the door really brings it all home. It was a wonderful day; pleasant weather in the 70s and not much humidity or wind. Tomorrow we are taking in a season in the temple and taking a wagon ride and carriage ride that will explain a lot of the homes and businesses.
Feeling very blessed today. Loved the spirit that was felt at church and in Carthage. I love the Prophet Joseph Smith and all that he did for the church – even dying as a martyr. God bless all y'all and we will be seeing some of you this week (family, mostly). We love you and pray for you!
Love, Elder and Sister Steffler
Sunday, September 6, 2015
September 6
The count down begins in earnest! One week to go!
Last Monday we made a quick trip to Raleigh to have Elder Steffler's hearing aids checked one more time. Rained most of the way going and coming. Nothing really unusual about that – and the rain is needed, so we don't complain too much. Easy for me to say – I don't drive! Had to do one more shopping at Sam's Club because we had to feed missionaries this week. Gas was $2.15; love to see it coming down instead of the other way. Had hot dogs and chili (without the beans!) for FHE and Jake had a new game – involving a ball, of course! The Moodys fixed everything and even did the clean up themselves. The young adults had a good time chatting, eating and playing the new game. About 35 in attendance; most we have ever seen. Pierce D'Auria was there; Clark had brought him from work because his scooter had broken down; we took him home.
Hello September! Started the month out with a swim in cold water. Didn't bother me; I like the water cold. Did hear some whining from E. Steffler! Hurried and made bread before the YSA elders came for lunch and practice lesson on The Gospel. Also made a batch of cinnamon rolls to take to some members and nonmembers: Collin, Mandi, Tyrei, Megan, Sarah Casey and Sarah Saunders. Sarah C. was having "FHE" with some friends; Jonathan was one of them and he was cooking. I offered to cook for an apt of men on Thursday: John and Jake Stevens, Ian and Dillon.
We were late getting our walk in Wednesday. The temp said 71 but the real feel was like 95! We had planned to take Joanna shopping, but Dane was home sick, so moved it to Saturday. G2 sisters came for a practice lesson on Book of Mormon. Did pretty good. We told them that next week is the graduation lunch and Sis. Oleson teared up; she has been to our apt about every week since she got here five months ago. Got a call from the mission president; he needed help for a sister who is going home for health reasons and could she stay with us for several days? Of course; do you say no to the mission president? I didn't think so! Her companion will go with the trainer sisters in Havelock. So got the guest bedroom cleaned out so she could move in.
Thursday we helped one of the sisters in the branch who got a couch from her grandmother and the furniture movers could only bring it in the morning. They came at 9:30 which worked out really well; we let them in and everything was good. Had lunch with the Lillywhites in Washington. Steak, salad, corn on the cob plus apple pie and ice cream. The pie was really good – she had made it. Pres. Baker is thinking about moving them to Greenville to help in the branch when we leave. Met with the sisters in the afternoon and made the exchange – with pictures, of course. Had to cancel our appointment with the apt of men, but that was okay; also had to cancel G2 elders lunch and practice.
Friday we decided not to go to zone meeting, but E. Steffler had to take the necklace to Sister Rawling that she left in our car at transfer and a loaf of bread to compensate for the lunch for the G2 elders. We had decided since we were not going to meeting, we could go shopping with Joanna. Had to wait for Pierce to get dressed so we could take him to work (his scooter is still not fixed). Then to Penney's for the spree. Ended up with underwear, 4 blouses and 2 skirts; not bad for one and a half hours. E. Steffler spent almost that much money on bullets at the sports store.
Saturday we walked at the senior center park then went to the farmer's market. Had to run out to Joanna's to return her keys and take a shirt that I can't wear. Hurried to the post office to mail S. Blackburn's two packages; I forgot to mail the letter to DJ. I was only concerned about S. Blackburn. So put it in the mail box here at the apt complex and it won't go out until Tuesday. It will still beat us home. S. Blackburn talked with her mother who is visiting a daughter in Texas and was upset that she would not be home until Wednesday. She is having a hard time adjusting to having time to herself; we don't have every minute planned (with 2 or 3 back-ups). But she decided she could finish reading the Book of Mormon so she has settled down.
Today was a very uplifting sacrament meeting. Pres. Walker was in attendance and he wanted several people to bear their testimonies. Elder Steffler and I were invited to, which surprised me because we are speaking next week. S. Blackburn also bore her testimony and announced she was going home because of health reasons. Pres. Walker finished by telling some of Joseph Smith's story and how he and his wife had visited Kirtland and Hyrum and some of the events that happened there. Very powerful. Sunday School was about Saul/Paul and Stephen, how the church accommodated its growth. R.S. saw the video of Pres. Hinckley giving the Family Proclamation the first time to the R.S. General Women's Broadcast in September of 1995.
It was a very good Sabbath Day; fasting always brings the Spirit more abundantly. Spent more than an hour with our friend Mariana and took her an Indian trinket; she was very appreciative. She gave us a Catholic book to read.
That takes care of another week. Looking forward to seeing friends and family at home. We love all y'all and wish God's choicest blessings upon you. Love, Elder and Sister Steffler
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Wild flowers
Can you tell where we went from the flowers? Visit to find out!
August 30
As you see from the photo, the sisters in the branch had an enrichment night this week and we toasted marshmallows and made s'mores. Also did a little game with M&Ms so we got to learn a little about each sister. We had 15 in attendance, and that is a lot for us!
For Home Evening Monday the branch bought Jet's Pizza. They make a really good BBQ chicken to die for. I'm not sure what they do, but the dough is thick and chewy and the BBQ is sweet, but they also make good regular pizza, too. Had about 35 young singles attend, a few were nonmembers and some recent converts. Good turn out. That makes me happy!
We fed four sets of missionaries and three sets did practice lessons and the other set gave a good thought that lightened our hearts. They are all getting bolder; we can tell from week to week that they are improving. Made a batch of cinnamon rolls and fed them to the missionaries all week; of course we had to eat with them . . . Not a good idea; no more baked goodies!
The temperatures have been moderate all week: high 80s in the day and low 70s in the night. Not much rain, either, which helps the humidity stay moderate. The swimming pool water is even cooling down! I love it! Elder Steffler, not so much. August usually gets 6 inches of rain; only a little over 2 inches have fallen this year and the lawns and fields are looking rough.
Friday after district meeting we went to a senior couples retreat. It started in New Bern (about 45 min. away) where we had a catered meal and meeting at a motel where we all stayed. Had 11 couples attend. Had a talk by the 2nd counselor in the mission presidency, testimonies by the two wives of the counselors and then a discussion led by Pres. Baker with the help of his wife. A talk by Elder John K. Carmack, "Lord, Increase Our Faith." The disciples asked the Master how can we increase our faith. He answered it by relating the parable of the unprofitable servant. (Luke 17:7-10) It is a very good talk with great insights. The one I really like is this: No matter how difficult and impossible the circumstances we face, we must retain the attitude that we are still in the Lord's debt. Just keeping the commandments, while laudable, may be enough to maintain our faith but not enough to increase it. We must continue sacrificing and serving with no thought of reward. We do it out of love and gratitude for the Lord, to whom we owe everything."
Some very good observations. I was kind of hoping that we could serve a mission -- then rest! (JK-ing) I have learned so much on this mission. Had a chat with President about when we will be going home. He invited us to come to the mission home with the 5 other missionaries who are going home this transfer. There will be supper and a testimony meeting. Then we can head for home the next day. So we will load up everything Monday the 14th and head to Chesapeake! All of a sudden, it seems very close!
On Saturday the group took the ferry to Cape Lookout (see photo) where Pres. Hancock, 1st counselor in the mission presidency gave a talk about the church in Harker's Island. He has also written a book and gave each couple a copy. His wife made a clam bake for us with clams, shrimp, chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob all steamed together. Homemade rolls to die for and molasses cake or fig cake for dessert. All yummy! We gave each of them a mission hankie to show our appreciation. Traveled home and crashed. Being out in the wind and sun really tires you out, it does me anyway.
Today for church, since it was the 5th Sunday, we did not have branch council, so we had missionary correlation instead. A good turnout for church again. I could get use to this! Next week is Labor Day weekend, so maybe the attendance will not be so good. Two of the talks today were by members returning to BYU-I this coming week. The third is a returned missionary from the Salt Lake South mission, Spanish-speaking. He is Hispanic, so no problem with the language. There are several romances going on that are fun to watch. Only one has set a date for the wedding in November. We will see how many others finally get down to popping the question!
Had a yummy dinner today at the Paries. Sis. Paries is 2nd counselor in the R.S. and Bro. Paries is on the high council over the missionary work. We had lasagna with the YSA elders also, plus a yummy peach cobbler. How many times can I say yummy before it loses it meaning?
That wraps up our week. Only two more entries before we head for home! Yikes! We love all y'all and look forward to seeing you again soon. God bless. Elder & Sister Steffler
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Aug. 23
Wow! Another week gone by; not too many left! Already have our sacrament meeting talks assigned: Oct. 11 at 11 a.m. in the Ruth building and we talk here on Sept. 13. So two talks to think about. I laid awake one night just thinking of all the fun things we have done while we have been here in North Carolina. You will have to attend one of the meetings to find out what I decided!
Last Monday we got our "last" haircuts and "last" oil change in our car. I made banana applesauce bread with the leftover bananas from Sunday; 3 large loaves to give away. Now that we are feeding 3 sets of missionaries weekly, we decided we needed to be serious about our meal planning so we have the right ingredients and don't have to run to the store every day. We fried up a large amount of chicken on Tuesday then made chicken salad with what was left and that worked for 2 more meals. So this week was pretty easy. FHE was a pool party at the Libbys in Ayden. They have an above ground pool that is pretty big. I took one of the loaves of bread. We were sitting around chatting while the kids were playing in the pool, and something started chewing on me. I thought it was mosquitos but I didn't get wheals, and it burned something fierce. So I may have gotten into some fire ants. I didn't see them, but when I saw a mosquito adding to my misery, I told E. Steffler we had to go. Stopped by Walgreens on the way home to buy something to stop the itch. Never did swell up, but they itched for several days and I had to keep rubbing the cream on them. One of the branch members got his thumb caught in machinery at work and might need surgery to reattach the tendon. Not good!
Tuesday it rained off and on all day. Our appointment canceled so we went shopping. I was glad that I had my umbrella and that it was not raining when it was time to haul the groceries into the house. The YSA elders are doing service this week by helping students move into apartments. I printed off some of the flyers with all the info about the branch on it so they could hand them out.
Wednesday the G2 sisters practiced Plan of Salvation; that was nice because we had heard Restoration several times last week. Sarah, our long-standing investigator is back in town to attend school and we tried getting together with her a couple of times. Finally got to meet-up with her Friday. It was so good to see her. She is reading the Book of Mormon occasionally; I encouraged her to read 3 Nephi where Christ visits the Nephites. She has been spot reading and hadn't read that yet. Also took her the last loaf of banana bread to share with her roomies.
Had an institute planning meeting; trying to gear up for the start on Sept. 9. Big changes coming on this front. I need to train Bro. Brimhall the 1st counselor how to keep the attendance in WISE.
Fed G1 sisters lunch Thursday. It was the trainer's one year mark. We didn't know that when we invited them. They had missed coming over to see us, teach us and eat with us. So it was nice. Sent many leftovers home with them. When you get tired of eating something, just give it to the missionaries; they are always happy to get food! Bought birthday card for a pair of twins – their 8th. Decided to take the cards to their house and got stuck in a line of cars; must have been more than 20 lined up at a stop sign and cars coming like crazy the other way. Anyway, we got the cards delivered. I think it was the evening for parents to meet their kids' teachers; it was crazy traffic. I have noticed the traffic in general is picking up due to ECU students returning.
G2 elders could not come for a practice lessons Friday because of exchanges. But district meeting was good. We always enjoy meeting with the missionaries and learning from them. They are so stalwart and faithful. Talked about using the Book of Mormon in conversion. Went over a talk by Pres. Benson, Flooding the World with the BOM. I kind of remember that. I remember he was the prophet that got us reading BOM with the family – again.
After our walk Saturday we stopped at the farmer's market. Always something interesting to buy, and you know where it was grown and that it has to be fresh. Had a nice chat with our nonmember friend who lives in our apartment complex. She just returned from visiting her son and his family in Utah and had to tell us all about it. She sang our praises to them about us. A little embarassing. Took Our Search for Happiness by M. Russell Ballard for her to read; excellent booklet on what we believe as a church. She had to give us cake to eat (a matter of hospitality, she said). We wrote a few words in the front of the book and we gave her our home address so we can keep in touch. Then I made oatmeal fudge cookies to share after the 3-hour block on Sunday. Sometimes bribery works! And it did today! All 40 cookies eaten. We had as large a group as I have ever seen at the meetings. It was great. Plus an investigator and several returnees to school.
E. Steffler has gone to a stake priesthood meeting in New Bern (about 45 min. away); hopefully he got a ride with someone. If not, hopefully someone is riding with him. New Bern is more centrally located than Kinston or Greenville in the stake.
Three more weeks and we will be on the road. We are planning on taking at least 2 weeks to sightsee on our way home. We want to see Gettysburg, Kirtland, Nauvoo, then follow the Mormon Pioneer Trail home as close as we can get without getting out of the car and walking! We bought a map that tells every stop, so hopefully there will be markers and visitors centers along the way. We were told by Sydney Jensen's family last week that Nauvoo takes at least 2 days and 3 would be better to take all the tours and learn about the history. So, we will see. If we don't do it now, I doubt that we will ever get another chance.
So, have a good week. Keep on keeping on. We love all y'all! Elder & Sister Steffler
Don't know what I did, but this is somewhat an idea of what we did a week ago.
A wonderful week getting to know all the new missionaries in Greenville – practice lessons and food! Let's just say we heard the Restoration lesson several times! The first distracting question always trips them up, but they catch on pretty quick. (It looks like a young boy seeing ghosts because they are not on the ground!) The new trainers are learning quickly, too. Not that we are trying to trip them up; you never know what some investigator will say and you need to be on your toes to bring the discussion back where you are in charge.
We were also in charge of the meal on Sunday – mix & mingle, linger longer, meet & greet. We haven't come up with a definitive name yet. Break the fast was such an easy name. We had taco bar/taco salad and everyone loved it. A nice array of desserts doesn't hurt either! Greenville 2nd meets before us and they had ward conference, so there was a lot of food in the kitchen and a little confusion about whose was what. (Ward conferences always involve food because of the distances that stake officers have to travel.) And it didn't help that the meeting went 35 minutes over! Pres. Walker likes to give his whole talk. The clean up went on longer than usual, but we had some good helpers. So glad we didn't have to do it all!
We are enjoying reading the Book of Mormon as a mission and marking doctrine and atonement. I sometimes feel like I'm playing musical pencils! I have gained a deeper love and appreciation for that book during our mission. Wish I had paid more attention to it before. And I don't want to stop reading it when we leave this mission, in just one month now.
We feel so blessed to know all you wonderful missionaries and RMs. We had a great visit with Sydney Jensen and her family – had to feed them bread and jam just so the family knew Syd was not lying about how good it was! It was a delightful visit!
Hope y'all have a blessed week! We love all of you. Elder & Sister Steffler
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
August 9
What a wild week – trips to Virginia and Raleigh – all good!
Last Sunday we met a new move-in for the branch. It was a sister that Sister Glaser knew from Smithfield. Also another sister from Greenville 2nd Ward visited with a couple of her friends from Ayden. It was a hallowed Sabbath.
In preparing for a "good-bye" brunch for S. Glaser, I discovered I did not have milk. Elder Steffler came to the rescue and ran (drove) to the store to get some. Can't make crepes without milk! So we cooked link sausages and crepes, but the G2 sisters did not show up on time, so we fed the G1 sisters. G2 did finally show up – they had stopped to help a "homeless" man (who would rather have money than food!) and I cooked fresh crepes for them. Had to say good-bye to S. Glaser; kind of sad. She was in Greenville when we first arrived. She and her trainer had to find a new apartment so we could have theirs. And they helped us haul all of our "stuff" into the apt. Good memories.
Tuesday took YSA elders out for our last lunch with the elder going to Albertson. Gave them back the electric griddle we had borrowed, plus leftover crepes and package of links. They were happy! Made a batch of bread and shared some with Spanish elders and gave them the rest of the loaf. I know how to make missionaries happy!
On our walk Wednesday the temp was 75 degrees and 100% humidity. Yup, we got sweaty. Had a visit with the new move-in; she is a junior majoring in marketing and is pretty excited to be here. Got the car cleaned and the tank filled for our visit to Virginia tomorrow.
Up at 5:30 Thursday, so no exercising. Took two elders with us to the mission conference. There were 186 missionaries and 9 senior couples at the conference. I took two loaves of bread and we gave them to missionaries who had served in Greenville; they were pretty happy. From the opening song How Firm a Foundation to the closing song, what a spiritual high was felt by everyone. The rafters rang with missionary voices singing praises to their God. Sis. Baker spoke of serving with joy and optimism. Pres. Baker spoke on teaching simply and powerfully and briefly, then get out of the way and let the Spirit testify. We are made clean through keeping our covenants. Focus on why we keep the Sabbath Day holy. In the glossary of terms at the back of the pamphlets, only atonement and ordinances are listed in all three. Does that tell you of their importance? Faith and repentance are acts of agency. Without ordinances people cannot have the power of the atonement in their lives. Just a few of the thoughts I jotted down. The mission is reading the Book of Mormon together beginning Sunday and are encouraged to used different colored pencils to highlight doctrines of Christ and the Atonement. Got a new hard-covered BOM. Then to a park for a pig pickin! The temp said 85 but the real feel was 104! Sweltering! Brought back the two Kinston sisters to the church where a member picked them up to take them home. What a day! Long, hot, tiring and joyful! Loved it.
Friday was zone meeting with rain off and on all day. Four new missionaries were introduced; three in Greenville and one in Kinston. Practiced the BOM lesson and signed up for the new carpet cleaner that each zone now has. Went shopping and managed to haul all our groceries in during a lull in the rain – nice. Fed the YSA elders supper and got to know our new YSA elder. Then they role played the Restoration. I only tripped them up a couple of times! E. Steffler says I do it on purpose, but these questions just kind of pop out of my head, like the Catholic church claims it gets its priesthood authority from Peter and also the three main apostles that Christ chose, was the James Christ's brother?
Saturday we tried out the carpet cleaner and E. Steffler really worked hard on some of the stubborn spots. Then we met at the church to take YSA members to the Raleigh Temple for baptisms. Had three stuffed in our back seat and listened to the chatter all the way there. What's said in the car, stays in the car! Wonderful time with the spirit so strong. Two of our members had family names and that made it even more special. Afterwards had the ritual picture taking and Korean BBQ chicken. Still made it home by 8 and yes, we were exhausted.
Good Sabbath at church; good talks and lessons. Now to get the blog and emails all sent out! Hope this finds y'all happy, healthy and enjoying the summer. School starts soon (spoiler)! Love all y'all. Elder & Sister Steffler
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Aug. 2
A nonmember read The Bishop's Wife and said she had learned something about the church and wanted a Book of Mormon to learn more, so we bought her a large print one. So Monday we went to Barnes & Noble and bought a copy so I could see what she had learned from it. It was an interesting mystery and there were tidbits included in the story for those who did not know about Mormons. I still want to take Our Search for Happiness to her; M. Russell Ballard does a much more thorough job of explaining what Mormons are all about! Not a lot showed up for FHE, but we picked up a member who did not have a car. I hadn't noticed that we had a cooling trend until it started to warm up again: nights in the upper 70s and highs in the lower 90s.
Tuesday we had to read our new books (E. Steffler found a Cussler he had not yet read). So that took most of our day. We did try to visit some potentials and an inactive but struck out on both accounts.
Wednesday we had our final lesson with G1 sisters then went to eat at Cheddar's. Good times and good food! Sister Blackburn is well on her way to becoming a bold missionary. Spent all afternoon preparing for the meal for the YSA before institute: creamy chicken enchiladas. We made four pans and had a large salad. Most of the salad was gone and all of the enchilidas! If we had made six pans, they probably would have been eaten them, too! Another good lesson of how to incorporate the conference talks into our scripture study. Sister Walker does a good job. I have been copying each talk and making a binder by subject heading – thanks for the idea Sister Jasperson (Jamie).
Met with a new branch member Thursday who had just graduated from high school in Michigan and is living with her sister and brother-in-law in Winterville. She plans to attend BYU-I in January and is an active member. Nice to find a new member who wants to come to church and not hide out! E. Steffler and I switched books and read most of the day.
Friday at district meeting I took a death cake for Sister Glaser who goes home Monday. I don't know why she was surprised; I kept asking her what her favorite cake was. I ended up making a chocolate banana applesauce cake. Course we had to take pictures! Took the district leaders, Elders Pugsley and Funk, to Cheddars for lunch. That evening we drove to Woodington for the Moody reception – and it wasn't until Saturday! The sealing was Friday with the reception the next day. So Saturday we went to the yard sale that Heidi and family were having, then to visit an inactive member down the street – not home, at least, no one came to the door. Then looked up two inactive members who said they had not been members since they were little. But we left them a flyer inviting them to our activities. Then, drove back to Woodington to attend the reception and it was very nice. It is hard to make a gym look decorated, but they did an excellent job. Elder Steffler even asked me to dance after Amanda Keating said he should. I guess he was shamed into it! Got a photo to prove it. Can't remember the last time we danced, it has been that long!
So today we had a spiritual experience at fast and testimony meeting. Good testimonies. And good lessons, too. Our 24-hour fast is going longer than usual because of the reception last night. With transfer calls Saturday, I realized this is our last transfer! Only 6 more weeks. There will be three missionaries training in Greenville! With 31 new missionaries coming into the mission, they have to go somewhere, and three will be in Greenville. That is awesome.
Hope this finds everyone well. Congrats on the new car, Wickards! We love all y'all! Elder & Sister Steffler
Sunday, July 26, 2015
July 26
YSA finally had a baptism this week: James Ray. Fine young man and so ready for the gospel. Sorry the photo is fuzzy and that I got the missionary names backwards. It's E. Harris on the left and E. Haslam on the right. It was a great baptism with a good spiritual uplift.
Our sad tale this week was our car was in the shop for four days! I really empathize with Sister D'Auria who not only does not have a car, but has 3 boys also. She grilled burgers for us on Friday and smiled when we told her of our woes; she truly understands. We noticed the car was not cooling when we went to the beach party July 18. E. Steffler looked under the hood and noticed ice one the A/C lines; he knew it had frozen up. So he takes the car to the dealer and was told our warranty was up (of course!) and they would test it. So finally got to it Tuesday and they drove it around a bit and it cooled just fine, so they concluded nothing wrong. E. Steffler about came unglued and wanted to talk to the manager. Then the others talked a little nicer to him, but they had to call the Ford Co., and ask what else they could check. Keep it over another night and run tests. Yep, the sensor had gone out, so had to order a part. Finally got a call Thursday at noon that it was ready – $734! The part cost $35, the rest was labor. They had to tear the dash board completely apart to instill the new sensor. We were willing to pay at this point just to get our car back! But we needed to beg rides to FHE and institute and a doctor appointment and to supper one night. Very inconvenient, but you can't live without A/C in this country! So that was our week. Frustrating, but eventually worked out.
Had wonderful interview with Pres. Baker and a good district meeting. Learned a lot about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy in several talks and lessons this week – all good. Hope y'all had a better week than we did. But we are getting over it! The gospel is true and the Atonement is real. That is what is important. We love all y'all. God bless you in whatever your endeavors may be. Love, Elder & Sister Steffler
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sunday, July 19, 2015
July 19
Happy Birthday to me! Had several happy birthdays throughout the day today and received a card signed by the missionaries. Such a nice thought.
Last week we were invited to go fishing on Monday with the G2 sisters, but we declined. Then it rained and then lightning, so they didn't go either. Started making the first of four triple batches of brownies, which took all week. That was my assignment for the YSA regional conference and beach activity. Mailed birthday card to Torish and made a card for Teezha. Also made a batch of bread so we could give a loaf to each of the dentists that helped with my tooth last week. It was cool all day; did not get above 84 and rained most of the day. Had an appointment to teach some investigators at the church at 6, but they did not show up.
Etienne was there early so we chatted with him. He lives in Washington, about 1/2 hour away. The Lewises were setting up for a movie for FHE of Meet the Mormons. It was on Netflix, so had to move it to their home. Only a handful of kids showed up. We picked up the G2 sisters and took them to visit a sister who has decided to attend another church where her brother is a deacon. She still has a testimony and believes the Book of Mormon, so very confused. By the time we returned to the church, Tyrei had gotten another ride home.

Tuesday we delivered the loaves of bread and a thank you card to the dental clinic where I got my tooth fixed and left the bread. Then shopping at Sam's for the paper products for 400 and more brownie mixes. We fed the elders lasagna and that took quite awhile. They came to eat in t-shirts and jeans because they had helped someone move. I was glad, because lasagna can be messy. E. Steffler had a nice long chat with his brother. Decided to take dutch oven cobbler to institute Wednesday.
Wednesday we walked at the senior center; it had been a week and seemed much longer ago. G1 sisters practiced Plan of Salvation and ate leftovers. Made another batch of brownies then the cherry cobbler. Had correlation meeting at 6 and E. Steffler picked up Tyrei. Only had 10 YSA in attendance plus 4 missionaries and 4 adults. Matt gave the lesson and Bro. Shelton did the Jeopardy general conference game. Two young singles had announced a "relationship" on facebook. Now four dating couples in the branch. A lot more YSA showed up to play volleyball after the lesson, including 3 from Wilson. We took Tyrei home then stopped at zone leaders apt and picked up a large print triple combination for an investigator.
Thursday's appointment canceled so we decided to see how our investigators were doing. Two were not at home but the third was. I had written down an incorrect email address so got that straightened out and she had a question if we had worship services. So gave her a passalong card with name and address of church and times. She did not get the BOM read in two days, however. Maybe something will come of this. Got an appointment for Sunday afternoon to deliver the large print triple. Made another batch of brownies then went to the Lewis' to help Kirsten trim pork tenderloins for Saturday. We got there and helped tote a couple of boxes into the house and opened one and OH NO! It was pork loin, not tenderloin! Big difference in how they are cooked. So we took this 100 lbs of pork back to Sam's and she got her money refunded. Were told that they can't resell the pork; it has to be thrown out because it was returned! We were heart sick. But got the tenderloin and returned to her home and worked for an hour helping her prepare it by trimming off a tendon and butterflying it and pounding it so it was about the same thickness and would cook evenly. She will make a hoisan and soy sauce to baste the tenderloins as they cook on the grill. Got about half finished and had to leave because we were feeding the missionaries again.
Friday marked our two-months left anniversary. I think I'm getting a little trunky. Went to district meeting early to get napkins and knives out of the closet to take Saturday. Emphasis was on teaching the Sabbath Day Holy lesson. The scriptures really brought home how we are blessed when we prepare for the Sabbath and keep it sacred, not just going to church to partake of the sacrament. Made a plan and role played it. Invited the zone leaders (Spanish-speaking) elders to lunch at Cheddar's. The men had steak and I had ribs and shrimp combo – all good. Had to share a hot fudge cake sundae! That afternoon I made the last batch on brownies. E. Steffler had to place them in steam table foil pans, very sturdy and durable. So ended up with 240 (minus two that we had to try and two we gave the elders). We started planning in more detail our route home and decided after visiting Gettysburg, Kirtland, the new Indianapolis Indiana temple and Nauvoo, that we would follow the Mormon pioneer trail home. So I ordered a map detailing all the stops. May take a while because it is not along the interstate. Had to hurry to Sam's to gas up and meet the G1 sisters and teach an investigator. Another lady answered the door and said Kataria was sleeping and she didn't believe in Jesus and shut the door in their faces! How rude is that?? So they tracted and we went to Bojangles for a bo-berry biscuit. Then had a big fiasco about who has riding with whom tomorrow. On the bright side, I got birthday cards from Lena and family and Pres. and Sister Baker.
Saturday was finally the BIG day of the regional YSA conference. We picked up one member on the way to Morehead City; first one at the chapel, so drove to Ft. Macon to see where the afternoon activities would be. It was only about 5 miles but took 20 minutes to get there, then turned around and went back. The bishop of the ward there runs a Subway franchise and made 75 sandwiches cut into 3 pieces and wrapped separately, of ham and turkey. So we got instructions and helped set the food out and the paper goods we brought. Had sandwich, chips, brownie, apple and water on the menu. Had about 180 from 5 different stakes: Raleigh/Apex, Durham, Goldsboro, Kinston and Wilmington. Good cross section. Had a game that got them talking with one another then had lunch. Cleaned up and had the devotional part. Bro. Shelton spoke about his experience of falling out of the boat and compared it to the Savior helping us when we stray or sin. Bro. Brimhall spoke about relying on the Spirit and having faith that all will work out if you are living the commandments. He told of how his family was moving to St. Louis and they could not decided on a house and power went off and things were not going good. The next day on the plane they sat behind a man who was reading scriptures and they got into a discussion with him and told about their dilemma. He gave them his name and address; he was a bishop and lived just a few houses from one they were looking at! The bishop had been fasting and praying about a new counselor and was finishing his fast by reading the scriptures. Two weeks after moving, Bro. Brimhall was made a counselor in the bishopric! Two prayers answered. Good story. Then off to the beach. Crowded parking, but 2nd counselor and wife had sat for 4 1/2 hours reserving a covered area for supper. The kids ran off to the beach to play volleyball, soccer, lay around and swim in the ocean. No one lost any body parts to sharks, so that was good! Had supper around 6 of pork tenderloins, seasoned green beans, roll and more brownies. They were not all eaten for lunch! E. Steffler helped Bro. Moody cook about 80 lbs. of pork. Kids ate until they were full. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed their day. And they got to eat a Klondike bar before leaving for home. Feast. Got home just after 9 and were exhausted, but with a good feeling.
Had a pretty good turn out today for church, considering some of the youth stayed at the beach longer after we left. But they are young and we are not! It was such a good positive day. Everyone seemed to be having fun and talking with one another. We are so blessed to be working with the youth. We love it. Hope your week goes well and that you keep God as your partner in all your decisions. We love y'all! Elder & Sister Steffler
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
July 13
A day late, but we have been missionaries this week! It has felt good.
Monday I got a tooth fixed; lost the filling Friday, but it didn't hurt, so waited until Monday to get it fixed. A member in Greenville 1st ward works at a pediatric dentistry group (he is an orthodontist and I was given his name) and a member from G2 is a dentist, so I got it fixed for free. Love being a missionary! That evening FHE was at Pres. Lewis' home where we made individual pizzas. It took a while to get them all made, but there was a lot of chatting going on and about 25 in attendance. It was great.
Tuesday we read with a member and her son. He got his hair cut Wed., and I took a before picture. It had not been cut for four years. I will show the after pic when I get him cornered. Finally saw it Sunday; not quite missionary cut, but really close! Went to Kinston to inspect the missionary apartments there; took all afternoon. We love the missionaries there too. They are in our zone, so we know most of them. We took a loaf of bread for all except the sisters; one is gluten intolerant, so we took her a cantaloupe and her companion got a half loaf of bread.
Wednesday is the day G1 sisters come for role play and lunch. They were in a dilemma; one of their investigators was slated for baptism Saturday and wanted to read more on the history of the church. Well, she read about blacks not getting the priesthood until 1978 and it was like walking into a wall for her. She could not sleep and did not want to be baptized. We suggested a priesthood blessing might help. They will set that up; they were really thankful for the suggestion. They gave us three investigators to work with. They have given Restoration to Jen who wants a Book of Mormon, so we took that Thursday. She is really into religion as a study course and has read several translations of the Bible. We did the intro to the BOM but when we wanted to start reading, she preferred to read it herself. She thought she could read the book in about two days!
The other two have been given the Restoration and BOM and are ready for Plan of Salvation. We invited them to come to church and they thought they could (but didn't) and we will see if they show up for a lesson tonight.
Thursday we mailed an Ensign to Sarah and the apt inspections to the mission office. Then visited Jen. She gave us her email address but it was invalid when I tried to send a message. It was hot and humid all day – actually most of the week. 96 high with humidity making it feel like 103-104. Tried to help a YSA member whose cousin was having car troubles, but E. Steffler does not have enough tools with him to do much diagnostic testing.
G1 sisters had scheduled the blessing for their investigator for Friday after district meeting. It went well; however, she is still feeling like she does not want to be baptized, at least for awhile. E. Steffler even shared his experience in South Africa with her. At district meeting we practiced giving the lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. A big emphasis on it from the brethren; a video at branch council and talk in sacrament meeting. I had not realized the blessings that can come. I just knew it was a commandment and have tried to keep it in the past. Maybe have not kept it in the correct spirit, though.
Got a card from home that was signed by all the kids and grandkids who were at the slip n' slide. We love our family so much. Next year will be even better: not only will we be there, but we have invited all returned Virginia Chesapeake missionaries to come and have fun, too!
Friday evening there was a pizza party at the clubhouse. We talked about the gospel with three different people! One wanted us to bring her a BOM Sunday afternoon! One was the security officer and lives next to the YSA elders who have already talked to him. He is very religious minded.
Saturday we took G1 sisters to Kinston for the stake's family history Discovery Day. We were there early so they could help where ever they were needed. We went to classes on indexing and getting started. Lunch was outdoors – NC BBQ with coleslaw and baked beans and watermelon. It was hot, 95 degrees, so shade was essential. After returning to Greenville we dropped the sisters off and went shopping at Sam's and Walmart, mostly for the mix and mingle meal on Sunday. Then we went to a baptism. Robin is about 6'8" and weighs close to 400 lbs. He was baptized by Bishop Finlayson who is almost as tall, but not as heavy. He was baptized by bending forward! Never seen that before, but it worked. He was so humble and the spirit so strong. It was a beautiful service. Then we made chicken salad for Sunday because it was so darned expensive that I only bought one pkg.
Sunday started with branch council. We are hosting a regional YSA party at the beach Saturday, so we finalized who was doing what. We are in charge of paper goods and making 300 brownies! The meal went over well; had some yummy desserts and we came out well on the bread and deli meats. Some leftover chicken salad and crab salad, but the Spanish elders said they could help with that! Two young singles from Washington brought a beautiful strawberry cake that their mother had made. It was yummy, too.
The G1 sisters met with us at Marianna's apartment and gave her a Restoration, briefly. Mostly, Marianna talked – about her life and why she wanted a BOM. She is a very staunch Catholic, even taught in the church. So everything we taught she saw through Catholic eyes. She politely told us she just wanted to read the BOM, not be converted. We will see if she is willing to listen to the spirit. Later, the sisters came to our apartment to watch How Rare a Possession. E. Steffler made popcorn, even. Beautiful story of Parley P. Pratt's conversion and how the book changed the life of a man from Sicily. So no time to write my blog!
Hopefully this finds all well with family and friends. We love the gospel, our family and being a missionary. God bless all of you. We love all y'all and so does Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Have a good week!
Love, Elder & Sister Steffler
Sunday, July 5, 2015
July 5
We had a slump week after vacation; laid around and read, mostly. I think we are finally ready to go back to work (hopefully!).
Tuesday was my brother's birthday: Happy Birthday Kim. We stayed Monday night at a motel in Durham, about 2 miles from the airport. Karla got a wakeup call at 4:40 and caught the shuttle at 5 for the airport. Her flight was to leave at 7 and she was boarded by 6:40, so right on time. After hugging her good-bye, we went back to bed until 7. Had an appointment at the hearing aid doctor at 8 and were only 5 minutes late, so I felt good about that, since we were driving in rush hour. Took only about 20 minutes before we were on our way home. Cleaned out the frig, threw away a lot of stuff that had gone bad, did laundry and napped. That was about it!
Wednesday was a practice day for G1 sisters with lunch. The new sister is quiet, but has a good solid background in the gospel. She will do well. After lunch we had to go to Sam's to fill up the car and the frig. E. Steffler is so afraid that we will run out of meat! Had missionary correlation before institute; nice to have a mission leader again! Took bread and honeybutter for snack for institute. Not many attended; ended up with 10. Sis. Walker had some interesting facts about the apostles that she shared. We are studying Teachings of the Living Prophets, and it is very interesting.
Thursday we took the G2 sisters to a steakhouse for a "graduation" lunch. After 6 weeks of practice lessons, the new missionary will graduate. Everyone enjoyed a steak! Then we read with a member. Her son recently got a scooter and he drove it around for us; E. Steffler showed him how to check its oil.
Zone meeting was Friday. We need to check apartments in Kinston so we had the missionaries sign up. We practiced a new way of introducing the Book of Mormon; very effective and better than with the pictures. We got a thank you note from the G2 sisters thanking us for the "celestial" steak on Thursday. Cute. Picked up two Ensigns at the meeting, plus got one in the mail. Plethora of Ensigns! Will have to give one away. We learned of E. Boyd K. Packer's passing on facebook (our only source of news). That's two apostles since April General Conference. That puts E. Russell M. Nelson next in line.
I was flossing my teeth and flicked out a filling. Just what I didn't need; it is not hurting, just a nuisance. Saturday I got a returned call from an orthodontist who suggested I come in Monday to have my tooth looked at. We declared a swimming day and hit the pool early, before 8, and it was warm already. It has not gotten as hot as out West, but the humidity has risen with the occasional rain and cloud cover. YSA elders had an early supper with us. It was one of the elder's birthdays yesterday, so I made the cake that is pictured below – the best I can do at originality! He was appreciative, and I let them take the rest home! Plus the remainder of the loaf of bread. Then we began our 24-hour fast.
The fun part of the day was seeing our kids and grandkids have fun on the slip n slide. There was quite a crowd – all of our kids and some of their friends. Eliza and family came from Shelley (and their oldest with a boyfriend!) and Deana from Hailey. DJ has gotten the art of slip n slide down to a science! It was awesome. Deana posted lots of photos and a couple of videos, so we enjoyed it vicariously. Made me trunky!
Not a lot at church today, but still had a good fast and testimony meeting. A nonmember even bore his testimony! It was awesome. After church we fed the YSA elders again. That seems to be about all we have done this week: feed the missionaries! But we feel blessed for doing it. We love the missionaries and associating with them. We love the YSA members and enjoy meeting with them three times a week. We (the branch) are hosting a beach party on July 18, so that will be interesting.
Hope all y'all are well and enjoying life and staying out of trouble. We will try, also. Till next week, God bless y'all!
Love, Elder and Sister Steffler
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
June 30
I'm late this week, but for a good reason! We have been on vacation! Yes, senior missionary couples get to go on vacations. My sister flew into Raleigh on the 24th (her flight was 3 hours late, oh well) and we headed to Asheville to see the Biltmore Estate. And what an estate! 8,000 acres, 250 room castle (?) and gardens to die for. You really have to see it to believe it. We hiked up three flights of stairs and visited most of the rooms, I think. Then we spent some time taking photos of the flowers. Karla even went down several flights of stairs (and yes, back up them) to see the conservatory with its exotic plants. I barely made it back to the shuttle before I gave out.
Then we traveled back to Greenville to stay overnight and headed to the ocean the next day. To Harker's Island to catch the ferry to Cape Lookout. Rode the "mule train" – actually in the back of a pickup – out to the very tip of the point of the island. You can see waves washing ashore in both direction; there has to be turmoil out there somewhere. On my sis's bucket list was to get her toes wet in the Atlantic Ocean. We did that, even found a few shells for her to take home. Hiked over to the lighthouse but didn't feel up to walking up the 263 stairs to the top. I heard it is a marvelous view; I'll take their word for it. Next we traveled to Manteo to stay overnight. Had to have some authentic fresh caught fish at Tale of the Whale. Even I, who does not particularly like fish, enjoyed my skewers of shrimp, mahi and scallops. Next day we get up and get ready for church in Nags Head. We are there 10 minutes early – those who know Karla know what I'm talking about! And the building is locked; it was stake conference. There were about 50 people wandering around (all visitors) waiting for the doors to open – they didn't! So we went on to the Wright Brothers Museum in Kill Devil Hills. Very interesting; lots of photos, some taken by one of the brothers who liked taking photos. The replica of the plane is awesome. To think someone would actually get on that and push it down a hill and have it fly – not me, thanks.
Then on to Norfolk Botanical Gardens to see more beautiful flowers. Even took the boat ride around Wright Lake and saw some of the wildlife, mostly birds but a few turtles. I didn't look too closely for snakes. Took oodles of photos, especially of the roses. They were a tad bit past prime, but still gorgeous.
I would not want to be a tourist every Sunday, but we did try to go to church, it just didn't work out. Instead we enjoyed the wonderful world that was made for us by our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. So thankful that we can enjoy it (and the air conditioning in the car). It was a wonderful time to spend with Karla. Family. Means. Everything. What would we do without family? Or the gospel? It would be a sad world indeed.
Monday we drove back to Greenville and she got to meet a few of the YSA at FHE then off to Raleigh to catch her plane early Tuesday morning. A shuttle ran from the hotel to the airport, so we didn't even have to drop her off there; we got to stay in bed.
Well, it was a whirlwind trip but a good one. 1,537 miles by our odometer. One we won't forget. So glad we could spend it with her.
We love all our family, extended family, family in the gospel and friends. We pray that your week will be a good one. I think we are about ready to go back to work. God bless all y'all.
Love, Elder and Sister Steffler
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
June 21
Yes, transfer week. The tall elder is Elder Hiraldo. He was our district leader and will now be our zone leader. His companion is going to Morehead City. Lots of changes in our district; even closing down a companionship; only one companionship is not affected and those sisters are in the midst of training.
Another week of high temps and humidity; one thunderstorm that kept me awake – I finally took a PM to go to sleep. But rain was sorely needed, so I try not to complain. Forecast is for mid 90s and thunderstorms in the evening. Makes for an interesting vacation with my sister Karla.
FHE was a kick, literally; the young adults played kickball in 98 degree weather! Had a couple of kids almost to the point of heat stroke. Good turn out; enough for 3 teams of volleyball later. That was indoors so a little cooler.
The hottest day of the year was Tuesday and we had appointments! Went to Snow Hill and left a flyer, to Pink Hill and saw a member who was in an accident about 6 weeks ago and is recuperating, then to La Grange for dinner with a member, her boyfriend who is a member also and her mother and stepfather who are not members. They grilled ribeyes and baked potatoes. Very good. We taught them the introduction to the Book of Mormon. Her mom was more interested than the stepdad, but they committed to read and the 2 members committed to give away their BOM to nonmembers.
Up early on Wednesday to head to New Bern to zone conference. Always a spiritual feast. The missionaries were divided into several groups then were videoed giving a 7 minute Restoration lesson. We were in a group of three sets of missionaries and all three did good jobs – none got through in the 7 minute restriction. They got to review themselves and everyone gave opinions of what they did good and what they could have done better. Very instructive. Pres. and Sis. Baker did a role play of Book of Mormon introduction and so much better than the way we have been doing. It is more of a 30 minute presentation, not 14 min. Got home at 4:30 and started putting together a fruit pizza for institute and Tyrei called for a ride, so we really had to hustle! It was a hit and 15 showed up.
Thursday we had the G2 sisters over for a lesson practice and lunch. Only one more week before they are officially done with our role plays. They tried the new BOM intro and had to quit before they were finished because they had to weekly plan. We finally got our piece of pie from the G1 sisters, and it was apple, not pecan, but still pretty good. Watched a life story on Pres. Monson on Mormon Channel. He is such a faithful servant of the Lord. We also finished reading all the October conference talks.
Friday after exercising and swimming, we stayed in the apt. all day. It was so warm and muggy, just no energy. The young missionaries really have my respect; they are out in the weather every day. Listened to an awesome talk by E. Holland about the ministry of angels. We fed the Spanish elders (see photo) and had to take pictures. I made lots of phone calls to follow up on some of the young singles and inviting them to church.
Saturday we walked in 80 degree weather then went to the farmer's market. Lots of people go shopping there. We fed the YSA elders for supper and gave out some VCM handkerchiefs that Lena had embroidered. It is a good memento of the mission.
Today being Father's Day, not as many YSA to church, but we also had a few new ones that hopefully will continue to come.
Looking forward to this week when Karla will be here. I have planned an itinerary; let's see if we stick to it – lots of traveling, but seeing lots of sites also.
Hope everyone is doing well this week. Try to stay cool and we will too! We have less than 3 months to go! Time is really speeding up. I may even be getting a little trunky! We love the Lord and His work and our mission. What a privilege to to work with these faithful missionaries and to reach out to the young adults. This is the Lord's work; we love it. God bless y'all!
Love, Elder & Sister Steffler
Sunday, June 14, 2015
June 14
The cute little pot in the photo was painted by a sister missionary who we have gotten to know quite well. She has been here four transfers – about six months and will probably be transferred on the 23rd. She wanted to do something special for us and she enjoys painting on pottery. She also promised to make us a pecan pie tomorrow!
My sister Karla has finally decided on the days she is coming to visit: June 24-30. So looking forward to it. Already have the first day planned in Ashville, NC at the Biltmore Estates. Tickets are only $50 each!
We searched out a member who has just moved to Little Washington, about half an hour away. We actually found him! And he was at home. He and his siblings had just returned from an awards assembly at school and a couple of the younger ones had earned awards and were pretty proud showing them off. We invited the member to institute, FHE and church. He showed up at institute the next day! And to church today! He is a keeper. His mom owns a nice home and is fixing up an apt for him to live in. His dad is working in Kuwait for a year or so, and he was homesick, so he came to NC to help with the family. A nice young man.
Elder Steffler had to give a couple of blessings this week – one to a sister missionary and one to a baptismal candidate and his wife. So three altogether. The man was baptized on Saturday, so blessings do work. The wife had waited 29 years for the day when he would be baptized, and he was not going to let a little thing like pneumonia stop him!
Wednesday was E. Steffler's 72nd birthday; lots of well wishes on facebook. Thanks to Deana for making a photo collage that was cute and folks liked, too. Got lots of calls, even a couple during institute!
I have been shopping for my "little" vacation with Karla. I don't think we will have time to shop AND see everything we want to, so I decided to buy a few things. Went shoe shopping, didn't have the kind I want, ordered them in, didn't come on the truck like I wanted, but they got them in Friday and I bought them. I may take them back if they don't start feeling better soon! It has been a long time since I have worn sandals.
Have I mentioned that the heat and humidity have been almost unbearable this week? Highs in the 90s and humidity from 80-90%.
We had a meal with the YSA today. Don't know what to call it: mix and mingle, meet and greet, linger longer; anyway we had BBQ beef and pork. We did not make vinegar style; give me Sweet Baby Rays any day! We cut up about a dozen kinds of fruit for a fruit salad and that took a lot of time. But it was all worth it! Had 33 young singles at sacrament meeting; the stake RS presidency spoke and we got a new 2nd counselor in the branch presidency, so a good day. Two crock pots full of BBQ and salads and desserts with ice cream. There may have been a little salad left over and that was all. They eat until it is all gone! The Spanish elders took the last of the salads, so we did not have to bring anything home.
We have a dinner appointment Tuesday with a member whose folks are not members, so that will be interesting. Real nice girl and her boyfriend is in the elders' quorum presidency. It is about 45 minutes away, but that is like nothing around here. We also have zone conference on Wednesday which is always very uplifting. It is about 45 minutes away, too, in another direction. This is a huge stake!
Hope this finds all y'all well and being good. God will bless you if you will ask Him. I know this is true. We have seen miracles. One was last week when E. Steffler has a PPI. After the interview, the young man said, if I had known a year ago when you appeared on my doorstep that I would be in the elders' quorum presidency today, I would not have believed it. Such a nice young man. There are several members that we have really grown to love. This mission has been such a blessing to us and has widened our vision of what an impact you can make. Have a blessed week!
Love, Elder & Sister Steffler
Sunday, June 7, 2015
June 7
As you can see from the photo below, we had our senior activity in Norfolk, VA yesterday. The Nauticus is a naval museum that we walked through then went onboard the battleship Wisconsin and walked from one end of the deck to the other. I think E. Steffler was more interested in this type of activity than I was. "Wow! Look at the size of that cleat. Nate would love to have one of those." Something to do with a thingy that holds a huge chain onto another thingy. I'm sounding like my sister now! But the guns were pretty impressive. We watched some film showing the Wisconsin in battle during WWII in the Pacific. It took a direct hit on the deck and other crewmen didn't even know it had been hit. 16 layers of steel protected it. Anyway, pretty impressive stuff. The museum had all things naval in it from live critters to a giant shark tooth – megaladon or something like that, about the size of a softball (the tooth). E. Steffler sat at the controls of a simulator like an underwater thingy with claws to pick up articles. He managed to pick up some chain. We didn't stay too long because we had a long ride home (3 1/2 hours).
But we got to have lunch with seven other couples from the mission. There is such a need for senior couples. The mission is expecting 31 new missionaries in August, the largest incoming group ever. It will be quite a challenge to get them all arranged. There are several apartments empty now that will be put to use then.
Something that took up the first part of our week was the death of one of our member's father. The member is the only LDS in his family; his dad was part of a Harley Davidson biker group and there were about 30 bikers in the funeral procession, along with all the paraphernalia that goes along with bikers – leathers, long hair, cigarettes, all free spirits. The widow even wore her leathers to the funeral and rode her bike in the procession. Our member said a few closing remarks at the funeral and said the closing prayer, so we did get a little of the church into it. His dad was only 52 and he took it really hard.
We will follow up with him this week to make sure he knows he is loved. We have a few other appointments outlined – one is even a dinner invitation! Don't get those too often. It is in LaGrange, about an hour's ride away. I'm anxiously waiting for my sister to call to say when she is coming to visit. It is going to be really hot if she waits too much longer. This week is suppose to get to the 90s. Not looking forward to that!
Hope this finds all y'all happy and healthy and enjoying life. We are! God bless y'all. Love, Elder & Sister Steffler
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Sunday, May 31, 2015
31 May 2015
For our P day last Monday we went to see "Tomorrowland" starring George Clooney and Hugh Laurie (House). It was pretty good for a PG and not a cartoon! Worth seeing, we thought. It was a holiday, after all. Still had FHE that night; played Disney or Prophets – quotes that we tried to guess which said it, and the name of the show/prophet for extra credit. The two teams came out pretty close. I only knew a couple of them.
Had to pick up G2 sisters and bring to our apartment for their lesson and lunch Tuesday because their car was getting some minor body work – scratches and dents mostly. Their 15 minute lesson the Word of Wisdom lasted about 30 minutes; they need to work on that! One of their investigators smokes so they want to teach that lesson soon so he can stop smoking. Then we took them to their next appointment. They were going to walk to the church (about a mile) and pass out cards and talk to people; they said they talked to a lot of people. I asked them how many blisters they got; they said a few! (Thursday we took them to the garage to pick up their shiny new-looking car.) Then we went to the beauty school so I could get a perm and E. Steffler got a haircut. Neither was very good.
Humidity was about 87% with temp 75 when we walked Wednesday; I was huffing and puffing by the time we had walked our 1 1/4 miles. We read BOM with a member and helped her with some groceries. Finally rained; but the humidity stayed high. First institute lesson for the semester and our teacher was sick, but one of the branch members taught it and did a good job. Bought pizza and doughnuts; only 10 members plus 4 missionaries and 3 adults. Not much of either left over!
Thursday we met with a potential and she was excited to come to church Sunday. She even has a car! Then we went hunting for less actives in Kinston to see if they would be interested in coming to YSA branch and meet other YSA. Struck out. Except one member had moved to Raleigh and was in the military! But we had a delightful visit with a member who lives about 20 minutes south of Kinston in Pink Hill. He was struck by a car about a month ago and received a fractured pelvis and elbow. He is still in a wheelchair most of the time and enjoyed the visit. His mom drives him to classes he is taking at the community college and his dad drove him to the temple Saturday to help with baptisms.
Friday for district meeting we talked about the atonement and giving 15 minute lessons. We read several scriptures about the atonement. I don't think anyone can truly understand and appreciate what the atonement means in our lives. I read a 25-page commentary that my brother Kim sent, and I'm still sure I don't completely understand all that it means. I know that it is central to our salvation and everything in the church hinges on the atonement. We tried a couple of 7 minute lessons and it is really hard to get everything covered. Elders Terril and Ferguson were in attendance (APs) for splits with zone leaders. We fed the YSA elders that night. I made bread and sent them home with the remainder of the loaf and a container of jam.
Saturday we taught the Plan of Salvation to a YSA-aged member that attends a family ward. Then met the Zone leaders and APs for lunch at Cheddars. Also sent a loaf of bread and container of jam with APs; we love Elder Terril! Then to the church to change into nicer clothes to go to the temple. We took two sisters with us; there were six sisters and one brother who were baptized. You need seven elders to handle all the position for baptizing and confirming, so three elders from Raleigh/Durham helped us. One of them took the photo after the baptisms. Then most of us went to the Soo Café and had Korean BBQ and the Cheesecake Factory; so glad it was a cheat day on our diet! It was so fun listening to the two sisters chatter back and forth and sing all the way back to Greenville. It was a delightful trip!
We are enjoying our time more as we stay busier. We already have three appointments for the upcoming week plus FHE and Institute and a senior couples retreat in Norfolk, VA. So another busy week. Looking forward to visits from my sister and Dan's cousin who lives in S.C. Love going through facebook and seeing family and friends engaged in good things. Enjoy the first week in June and God bless each and every one of you.
Love, Elder & Sister Sister
Monday, May 25, 2015
May 25
The big highlight of Sunday was that Elder Steffler and I were asked to talk – and everything in the natural order of things got out of whack! I did not even think to write my blog until this Monday morning! But we did do a couple of memorable things.
Last Monday we went strawberry picking – first the two of us picked two flats of berries, then with the sisters we picked about a pound basket. Then they all came to our apartment and we made strawberry jam. Made two batches from the first flat and sent a couple containers home with each companionship. After a brief rest, Elder Steffler and I made two more batches with the other flat. We have enough jam to keep us happy for awhile!
Tuesday was our first practice lesson with Sisters Glaser and Olesen. Sis. Olesen will be an awesome missionary; she is eager and ready to serve.
Had an unusual district meeting this week – on Wednesday instead of Friday because of a mission-wide training for district and zone leaders at Chesapeake headquarters.
Had to do a rescue mission for one of the members. She had locked her keys in her car, so we took her home to get the other set. Her children arrived just as we did, so her daughter was going to run her back to her car to retrieve it. Better than paying for a locksmith! I'm glad we are available to help with problems like that.
Friday evening we got a call from the 1st counselor in the branch presidency asking if we could talk Sunday. We said of course. He was going to text us the topic that evening. It wasn't until Saturday afternoon when I called to bug him that he actually sent it. So we spent the rest of Saturday preparing our talks. It was nice to pull our the talks that I had copied from general conferences in 2014 and had organized according to topics. We both found other talks to support our topics.
We took the YSA elders to Logan's Steakhouse for dinner Saturday evening. They do make a good steak! G1 sisters stopped by with a potential investigator to give us because she was 20 years old. So Sunday evening we found her house, but she was not at home. Just as we were leaving, her sister pulled up the driveway. Said she was with her friends. It is Memorial Day weekend, after all. Not many folks at home.
So, our talks went okay. We had maybe 12 or 15 YSA attend, but that was okay. Some had gone to a regional YSA conference and had stayed to go to church there. But we took Hawa for sacrament meeting then took her home so her aunt could take her to see her little boy. She was pretty excited about that.
Hope this week has been a good one for everyone. Bill got a job in Logan and starts June 1. Will see how that plays out, whether they move or not. And Deana went to church Sunday! So we are feeling blessed. Hope y'all are too. We love all of you!
Elder and Sister Steffler
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