Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 3

Another month gone by! That makes four months down, 14 to go! Seems like we have been here a lot longer; we have done so many different things. Life is good.
Sunday July 27 the branch council decided soup, stews, breads and desserts for break the fast on the 3rd. Did our usual roundup of YSA for church; about 30 miles each way. Confirmed Kierra a member by Pres. Lewis. An invitation for supper from the Paries; they always feed us so good. In addition to the YSA sisters and us, they invited a new member of the branch. She is going to be a real asset to the branch – had worked as family history consultant in the past! Spent the evening reading Jesus the Christ, read an Ensign article and listened to Mormon Channel Legacy about Relief Society history. Funny the things we can find to entertain us when we don't have TV or radio. We do spend too much time on facebook, however.
Monday we were late getting started with the day. It was P day so we didn't feel too awfully bad. Both got haircuts. Mine is up over the ears again! Shopped at Sam's Club and Target to get a Swiffer Jet mop. I wanted to clean the bathroom at church and the mops stink so bad I was not going to use them. Then decided I needed to go to the doctor. They don't do appointments, it's a walk-in clinic. After 2 hours I finally saw the doctor and got a blood draw to make sure I did not have an ulcer. Decided to get my final Hep B shot and it cost $100! Wow, that's what happens when you go from paying $144 a month to $18 for insurance. I got a prescription for Prilosec (Omniprizole) that should help my stomach pains. Decided to go to church and clean the bathroom before FHE, so were half an hour late for FHE after picking up our usual route. Played games then played volleyball, at least they were going to. They could not find the second base to hold the volleyball net. So left at 8:30. I wanted ice cream so we stopped at Hwy 55. E. Steffler and I got ice cream and Tyrei got a soda and Kierra fries. Guess I was the only one who wanted ice cream, and then I had stomach cramps for about an hour.
Tuesday was water aerobics and we were late, so had to hustle to make bread. Had boneless pork ribs, corn on cob, steamed carrots. E. Dumont did pretty good with Restoration lead, still a little nervous, but it is coming. We took a loaf of bread to our new upstairs neighbors. They are real nice and worry that they are making too much noise. Correlation meeting at 5:30. We told them we want to be more involved, so they gave us a bunch of people to contact. Met all the missionaries in the hall; six of them were meeting with their bishop. We invited Bro. Gilbert to go to dinner with us. I didn't want to eat leftover spaghetti. We went to Noodles & Co. He teaches computer science and has summers free. His wife is in NY with her mom who is ill. Good meal. Then we went by the Stevens brothers to see if they were back in town – and they were! John had been "let go" from Harley-Davidson and is looking for work. Jacob will drive a big ECU bus and hopes to get his CDL and some training before then. The Prilosec worked. Did not have one stomach cramp all day.
Walked early at 7:15. Cool 64 degrees with 100% humidity – no, it was not raining. More like a moist fog. Made cookies before G2 sisters came for lesson and lunch. Restoration – again, but different. Sis. Whetten did fine, just a little nervous, but she was bold. We were investigators and they respected our beliefs and built upon them. Fixed fish sticks, corn on cob, steamed squash, bread and jam. They have a car and could drive themselves (the G2 elders don't). About 1:30 got ready for our next adventure to Ross Brown's in Snow Hill. Picked up YSA sisters and Stevon. It took about 45 min. to get there. Ross' animal zoo includes a 5-ft. long "baby" python, a tiny black snake, a tarantula and 2 iguanas. Stevon and the sisters took turns holding them. I stepped away and took pictures. Some have been on facebook and the spider is on the blog. Had institute that night. It was the final meeting for the summer so there was food. After picking up the usual, had 27 YSA. Cassie Paries was there, fresh off her mission from Mesa, AZ spanish speaking. Her sister Christina had gall bladder surgery that evening. Bro. Paries picked up wings and root beer and we opened some chips and had brownies too. Got home at 10:30 – long day!
Thursday found out my blood work showed everything good except my triglycerides are elevated. So I made oatmeal for breakfast, with brown sugar, walnuts and dried fruit – more like a dessert! When we looked at the clock it was 10 a.m. and we had a 10:30 appt. We hustled and were only 10 min. late. We gave a Restoration lesson and read in Book of Mormon. This is not a member of the branch; she has a 17 year old son and twin boys 5 years old. She is a busy mom and has a hard time staying focused and wants someone to read with her. She has lots of plants that she showed us. Then went to a truck garden and bought squash, green beans, new potatoes and corn. In addition to reading my Jesus the Christ, we read in the Bible for SS lesson about Rehoboam and Jeroboam. Almost read like a soap opera! Also started reading D&C, which will be our study course in Institute this fall. Stevon sent some photos from yesterday and I put them on facebook. Made banana choc chip bars for zone meeting.
Friday was another cool water aerobics day. Got ready for zone mtg early, so had time to read D&C. Good meeting; always feel the spirit when we are with the missionaries, what a privilege. Sis Robertson brought cherrry dump cake and we had our cookies and cantaloupe, so plenty of food after. Made an appointment with Woodington sisters for next Thursday. It rained most of the day and E. Steffler's umbrella broke, so we need to buy him a new one. I read a lot of life stories in the Red Book while E. Steffler napped about 2 hours. The Milnes family converted in England and came to US with the help of the Emigration Fund. The mom and dad died of cholera along the Platte River. Had a belt made of canvas with slots for $20 gold pieces; no one knows what happened to the money, if it was stolen or was buried with them. Also watched several Mormon Moments from a disc the G1 sisters gave us. Decided to read BOM again so we could answer any questions J might ask.
Saturday was a good day for walking – cool! We managed our walk between showers; it rained off and on all day. Made bread in the morning so we could take a loaf to Bella when we taught her. She is very interested in the gospel and is anxious to be baptized. She has injured a ligament in her foot and lives upstairs in an apt. This week she is helping with a band clinic – and will be doing a lot of walking. Went to Sam's Club to price bed bug sheets; they didn't have any. At Bed, Bath & Beyond they cost $59 and $79 each! But they did have an umbrella that we bought for E. Steffler. Finished Jesus the Christ! Also read several stories in the Red Book. YSA sisters came by to see how Bella reacted to lesson. Watched some more Mormon Moments. S. Pace texted us to beg for a loaf of bread. Why did I feel guilty packing my bread machine? Everyone seems to love my bread, even though I have to buy flour from the grocery store. We are going to start inviting YSA members into our apt to feed them and give them lessons. That should be a win-win situation.
Again I have written an epistle, but we have been busy – reading and studying and feeding missionaries and loving every minute of it. My testimony has been so strengthened by this mission. When you don't have other distractions, you can really feel the spirit in the work. We feel so blessed. Thanks to our family for their prayers; we love all of you and miss you. Thanks to all who read this blog. I hope you feel the spirit of missionary work that we love. Elder & Sister Steffler

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