What a week! We made it to Idaho – yea!!
Spent last Sunday in Nauvoo and went to the temple for a session on Monday. Thought that was pretty peculiar, but the temple is open Monday mornings and closes for the afternoon. The inside has replicated as close as possible the original temple; it is beautiful. The artwork from murals to moldings to paintings, all are beautiful. Lots of stairs to climb. One flight up to the dressing rooms then up another flight to the endowment rooms. The wagon ride and carriage ride in the afternoon were both very informative. The wagon ride takes you through historic Nauvoo and shows homes and buildings, mostly reconstructed. The carriage ride goes more into the surrounding countryside and the narrator tells different stories of some of the early Saints. Some I had heard; but mostly all new to me. The horses are draft horses that the church buys from the Amish who raise and train them. There are 10 teams so they trade around so they are not working every day. After the rides we visited the Browning home and gunsmith shop then the land and records building. Got a cd of Daniel Allen Jr. and where he had property; also Cyrus Sanford. Had a quick tour of the wheelwright and blacksmith shop because it was about closing time. Met for a short time with Marissa Lewis who is an intern at Restoration Nauvoo. She has grown up into a lovely woman with confidence since her mission to the Philippines.
Left Keokuk, Iowa, Tuesday, where we had our hotel and took the route of the pioneers. Montrose is nearby, but on the opposite side of the river from Nauvoo. A man came to talk to us riding in a golf cart. We were reading the information signs and he congratulated us for that because a lot of people just come and take a photo and leave. He was from Missouri and said he knew some pretty nice Mormons (he sounded almost surprised to say that!). Stopped at Corydon at the Prairie Museum; lots of early life displays, even one of the Mormons traveling across Iowa in the mud. Pulled off Hwy 30 at Mt. Pisgah and took a dirt road to the display. Did I mention that we did not travel a dirt or gravel road all the time we were in NC? Beautiful country; the first pioneers stopped to plant wheat and fell trees to build cabins and fences for those following. Course there was also a cemetery nearby for those who did not finish the trail. Ran into some severe rainstorms before finally stopping at Council Bluffs for the night. Nine hours of travel was enough!
Had to swim for a while Wed. morning before heading out on the trail again. Visited the Winter Quarters temple and visitors center. Watched a film and a sister missionary gave us the full meal deal looking at the displays. Schools had been closed due to a severe weather warning and possible flash flooding. We just had rain off and on. Stopped at most of the historical markers along the way, then got on I-80 where it parallels Hwy 30. Made it to North Platte, Neb. Started reading Joseph Smith's Kirtland, mostly quotes from journals of the day; very interesting. Bought it at the Community of Christ bookstore in Kirtland.
Had a fitness center complete with most of the machines that I knew, so we had a good workout. Didn't get on the road until 10:40 because of breakfast and doing laundry. Took Hwy 30 again north and then west. Stopped at Ash Hollow and Cathedral and Jailhouse rock. The trail mostly follows the N. Platte river. Landscape is mostly desolate desert with bursts of rock here and there. Stopped at Chimney Rock and took a picture with the Beware of Rattlesnakes in area sign. Not much in visitor center. Stopped at Ft. Laramie and saw some of the ruins and barracks. In the visitors center there was a hide teepee and a full dress chieftan headgear with eagle feathers. Also had a small scale replicate of what the fort may have looked like back in the day. The Mormon Trail and Oregon Trail run together here for about 100 miles before separating again. It was a hot day and we were out of water and I decided I wanted to watch the women's conference with Eliza and girls, so we headed south on I-25 to Cheyenne and stayed the night in Laramie. Interstate roads are 80 mph, so we made good time.
In the pool at 6 and on the road by 7:45 Thursday morning. Took Hwy 30 to Kemmer and to Montpelier. I started driving 10 miles before the Idaho border (first time I have driven on the trip). Stopped and took a selfie at the Welcome to Idaho sign. It just seemed so good to be in Idaho again. Even the drive across Wyoming with its wide-open vistas was wonderful. Had not seen so much sky since we had left for NC 18 months ago. My sis is in Colorado Springs with grandkids, so we stayed at the tribal reservation motel, thinking it would be cheaper. Nope; got that wrong. It is a 5 star motel, so I guess you pay for what you get. It took quite awhile before they would consider letting us stay without a reservation. They had a big shindig going on in the event center, some famous comedian. We just wanted to eat and sleep. We have yet to turn on a tv or the radio, except to change the time on our car clock (the radio has to be on). We are having a rough time getting our bodies onto MDT!
Saturday we visited with E. Steffler's uncle, aunt and cousin in Moreland, then on to Shelley to see our daughter and her family. Eliza and Lydia were working so the little kids entertained us as best they could: computer games and dvd games. We are really out of touch! Lydia went to Rexburg to get Kimball so she could see us and go to the women's conference with us. We got a motel room then had supper with Eliza and family. Then the six girls went to the conference. It was wonderful, of course. So glad we could all be there together. Lydia had to take Kimball back to Rexburg and Eliza dropped me off at the motel room. E. Steffler had gone there after all the women left.
Today church is at 1 p.m. so I am getting all my blog and emails taken care of in the morning. Hope all y'all have a blessed Sabbath. We love y'all and look forward to seeing the rest of the family in the next few days. Our mission report is Oct. 11 at 11 a.m. at the Ruth Building. All are welcome to come and partake of the spirit that will be there.
Love, Elder and Sister Steffler (for a few more days!)